Tea Dance
Wall painting, Dulux Colour Palette 4: Tea Dance/ 2025
壁畫,得利塗料色號:茶舞/ 2025
「ICI」這個計劃的名稱來自於帝國化學工業(Imperial Chemical Industries)的縮寫,同時也是法文「這裡」的意思。透過語言的雙關性,它連結了十九世紀新帝國主義的兩大殖民國。
帝國化學工業於1926年創立了 ICI 塗料,並在1932年與杜邦公司(DuPont)聯合開發了 Dulux 塗料這個品牌。該品牌名稱源自「持久」(Durable)和「高級」(Luxury)兩字的組合。二戰後,這個色彩系統被推廣至世界各地。
這個計劃的動機源於其 2079 色票名稱,其中包括了世界各地的礦石、食物、經濟作物、政治旗幟、建築、植物、動物等。換句話說,這些命名超越了英國本土的疆域、氣候與物種經驗,反映出海權與殖民時代知識系統的建構。
展覽的第二部分引用了羅夏克測驗(Rorschach Test)的形式。該測驗由瑞士精神醫師赫曼·羅夏克(Hermann Rorschach)於1921年創制,透過墨漬圖案判讀受試者的人格與心理狀態。展覽中的墨漬畫源於瑪麗·艾文斯圖像圖書館(Mary Evans Picture Library)中的 ICI 徽標(註1),經由局部抽取後繪製而成。
The name of the project, "ICI," originates from the abbreviation of Imperial Chemical Industries while also meaning "here" in French. Through this linguistic play, it connects the two major colonial powers of 19th-century New Imperialism.
Imperial Chemical Industries established ICI Paints in 1926 and collaborated with DuPont in 1932 to develop the Dulux brand. The name Dulux derives from the combination of "Durable" and "Luxury." After World War II, this color system was promoted globally.
The motivation behind the project stems from the 2,079 color swatch names, which reference minerals, foods, cash crops, political flags, architecture, plants, animals, and more from around the world. In other words, these names transcend the geographical boundaries, climate, and species of the British Isles, reflecting the knowledge systems constructed during the maritime and colonial eras.
The second part of the exhibition draws inspiration from the Rorschach Test, a psychological assessment created by Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach in 1921, which interprets a subject’s personality and psychological state through inkblot patterns. The inkblots in the exhibition are derived from the ICI logo found in the Mary Evans Picture Library (Note 1) and were created through partial extraction and reinterpretation.
The third part of the exhibition uses the exhibition itself as a medium, serving as a platform to introduce the inkblot paintings and Dulux color swatches into private spaces. In other words, visitors can explore the possibility of purchasing and collecting these works by having the inkblot images painted within their own private spaces.

The color swatch names and color codes used in the 2F exhibition space of the Chiayi Art Museum are:
色號10YY 17/140
Thatched Cottage
Thatched Cottage
色號 67YY 88/044
Brave Baby
Brave Baby
色號 50YY 53/687
Sulphur Burst
Sulphur Burst
色號 10YR 21/436
Tea Dance
Tea Dance
色號10YR 09/250
Colonial Red
Colonial Red
色號 90RR 31/403
Cheery Cherry
色號 50RR 61/129
British Rose
British Rose
色號 45YY 19/400
Triple Olives
Triple Olives
色號 79BG 53/259
Delft China