The Color Systems of Mr. Mori Ushinosuke and Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Approximate 84x84x171.7cm - Stained glass (51.5x43.6x41.5cm), wood hand-dyed pedestal (64x55.5x40cm), and wood crate (84x84x92cm)/ 2019-2023
In the exhibition space of « CdV » - The solo exhibition of Chia-En Jao, this piece is located within the choir section, showcasing three different production techniques from bottom to top: a transport wooden crate assembled with a nail gun, a dismountable mortise and tenon triangle table, and a triangular inlay glass made with inlay welding techniques. They form a three-dimensional diagram, presenting three functions and states within the cultural manufacturing economic framework: transportation, daily use, and contemplation.
1. Mori Ushinosuke is a human anthropologist who came to Taiwan in 1895 as a member of the military to study the indigenous people of Taiwan. He held titles such as "Taiwanese Aborigine Liaison" and "Chief of Taiwanese Aborigine Tribes" (taken from Wikipedia).
2. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe represents German Weimar classicism. In addition to literary works, his studies also include color theory. Rudolf Steiner took him as a subject, hoping to restore the brilliance of German culture through the threefold social order. Currently, he is the namesake of Germany's cultural center in the world.
2. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe represents German Weimar classicism. In addition to literary works, his studies also include color theory. Rudolf Steiner took him as a subject, hoping to restore the brilliance of German culture through the threefold social order. Currently, he is the namesake of Germany's cultural center in the world.
約84x84x171.7cm - 鑲嵌玻璃 (51.5x43.6x41.5cm),楯接⽊木製⼿手染台座 (64x55.5x40cm), ⽊木製運輸箱 (84x84x92cm)/ 2019-2023
在 « CdV » - 饒加恩個展的空間中,這件作品位於唱詩班的位置,呈現了三種製作技術,由下而上分別是:以釘槍接組的運輸木箱、可拆解的楯接三角桌、以鑲嵌焊接技術製作的三角鑲嵌玻璃。它們是一個立體的圖表,呈現文化製造的經濟架構中的三種功能與狀態:運輸、日常使用與凝視。
1. 森丑之助為一人類學家,於1895年以陸軍的身份來台灣研究台灣於住民,有著「台灣蕃通」、「台灣蕃社總頭目」的稱號。(取自wikipedia)
2. 約翰·沃夫岡·馮·歌德為德國威瑪政權古典主義的代表,除了文學著作外也包含對於色彩學的研究,而魯道夫·史代納也以他為對象,希望透過三元社會恢復的德國文化的光輝。目前,德國在世界的文化中心則以他為命名。